Beginners Welcome! One Week FREE Trial!

Call Declan 0435 012 390.

Our Address: 13/10 Mirra Court, Bundoora 3083

Children's Martial Art Classes

Wing Chun & Jiu-Jitsu Melbourne offers children’s classes in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) for 5-12 years.

We no longer run a kids’ Wing Chun class.

Unfortunately, children under 12 aren’t able to join the adults’ Wing Chun class.

They would benefit from joining a Jiu-Jitsu children’s class and transitioning to Wing Chun when they turn 12.

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Children’s martial art classes won’t just teach your child self-defence, but how to avoid fighting. By teaching your child to be verbally assertive, our aim is to instil confidence so that he or she can deter bullies without resorting to violence. We want to help your child develop self-defence skills without becoming a bully themselves.
Our children’s classes help kids develop physically and mentally with a focus on dealing with bullies. We begin with building children’s confidence and self-esteem by approaching all of our classes with a teaching methodology that emphasises positive reinforcement. We also want to help children develop into good human beings and are vigilant against kids in our classes developing bullying tendencies themselves. We don’t want them to be victims or bullies. We want them to become the child who will stand up for others as well as themselves. Our children’s classes will help your child develop his or her co-ordination, core strength and balance, overall health and fitness, promote physical and mental maturation, and most importantly, foster each individual child’s good character and discipline. All of our classes are designed to be as much fun as possible while educating children about self-defence.
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No martial art is magic and no child can be made bully-proof in just a few classes. However, with consistent and focused training, our promise to you is that children will quickly learn to defend themselves. Some children are, of course, either shy or more timid than others. Some kids have little co-ordination or athletic ability. It doesn’t matter. All children are capable of learning how to defend themselves and others. Some will be better than others at it, but all can become good at it. The secret to it is making the class enjoyable enough to keep your child wanting to come back.
A child’s inability to confront a bully is often deeply-seated in a fear of physical violence. When children are taught to defend themselves their confidence grows. We teach them how to stand up to a bully who may only be verbally attacking them, thus averting a physical confrontation.
Those of you who have children who are already being bullied, please contact us and let us know the specific situation. This way we can take into account your child’s specific needs.
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Our instructor, Declan Eipper, has taught children martial arts and held a “Working with Children Permit” since 2012. Declan was bullied himself as a child and has the compassion and empathy to help your child deal with, and if necessary, confront bullies. He will help your child develop psychological resilience to bullying.

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu classes for children

Children’s Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) classes are held five days per week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. They are appropriate for children between 5 and 12.

In a playful environment, children’s classes begin with Jiu-Jitsu games that help your child learn the fundamentals of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu).

Children are taught how to avoid bullying, while quickly becoming equipped to defend themselves if physically attacked.

Children’s Jiu-Jitsu classes teach self-defence techniques to negotiate with bullies and, when necessary, neutralise them physically without having to use striking techniques.
Children’s Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) classes last 50 minutes.
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Wing Chun Kung Fu classes for children

We no longer run a kids’ Wing Chun class.

Unfortunately, children under 12 aren’t able to join the adults’ Wing Chun class.

They would benefit from joining a Jiu-Jitsu children’s class and transitioning to Wing Chun when they turn 12.

Wing Chun Kung Fu classes are held five days per week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. They are appropriate for children 12 and above.

Your child will be taught: to deflect and redirect punches, kicks and other attacks rather than attempting to fight force with force. Wing Chun Kung Fu is a striking art and your child will be taught to kick and punch (when appropriate) if attacked.

The age for participation is older than that for other children’s classes because of the greater difficulty in performing basic techniques. A higher level of maturity and focus is required to enjoy Wing Chun classes.

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Wing Chun & Jiu-Jitsu Melbourne aspires to help children begin the journey of learning how to protect themselves. Our hope is that they fall in love with martial arts and never again have to worry about being bullied, whether as a child or as an adult.


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Find Wing Chun & Jiu-Jitsu Melbourne:
13/10 Mirra Court, Bundoora 3083

Beginners Welcome! One Week FREE Trial!

Call Declan 0435 012 390.
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